La Fofi’s Rainbow was born from many occurrences, mainly related to the compassion and kindheartedness of
and to answered prayers. We have to admit that we avoided creating it as much as possible because of the
emotional and
laborious implications it had, but when the Man Upstairs has a plan, you just can’t escape it for long…
La Fofi is eternal, so when you hear us talk about her in the present tense, know that it is not denial, but rather the belief that she lives forever. In her 2 years and 9 months here on Earth, she transformed many lives. She inspired people to be better human beings by modeling empathy and unconditional love. She couldn’t stand seeing someone sad and was very sensitive to the least fortunate. I have memories of La Fofi watching with pain in her eyes a girl that was crying. I was observing her when she headed toward the little stranger and gave her a big HUG and said, “It’s okay. Don’t cry.”
La Fofi’s Rainbow, then, is a formal way of continuing La Fofi’s mission on Earth: to bring joy, brightness, colors and light to those who may be experiencing rainy days. Hence, our service is devoted mainly to families that are feeling sorrow because their children are confronting difficult tests (e.g. cancer, other disease, disability, traumatic life event, etc.) or have joined our little Fofi in Heaven. Our mission is to give them that HUG that La Fofi would’ve given them, through different gestures of love, support, and compassion.